Coronavirus Notice From CCC President Dr. Matt Gotschall

March 7, 2020

Dear Central Community College Students:

Thank you for your continued awareness and actions as we all continue to watch for more local impact or spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Following current and expanded pandemic procedures, we are taking the lead from local public health organizations to monitor, educate and prepare for situations that may impact our students, employees and college operations. While still considered minimum risk for community spread of the virus, the confirmation of an illness from a Nebraska resident from Omaha, who visited Fremont, has prompted a warning in the Columbus area. Campus presidents and learning center administrators will be receiving materials to distribute if, or as, the risk escalates.

Medical experts remind us that the best methods to prevent contracting the novel coronavirus are the same for other viruses — handwashing; the use of hand sanitizer; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean and disinfect frequently touched items like cell phones and stay home when you are sick (coughing, fever, shortness of breath). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website:…/2019…/about/share-facts-stop-fear.html

provides resources for understanding COVID-19, signs and symptoms, and how to keep yourself and those around us healthy.

Students who believe they may be experiencing symptoms should contact your personal health care provider or local health department. Calling ahead is recommended so they can prepare to prevent spread of the virus.

With spring break coming soon, the US Department of State and the CDC have put a number of travel advisories or warnings in place due to the virus. Please carefully consider whether your travel (domestic or international) is essential or might be canceled.

In addition to local media, public health and state and federal communications, we will continue to monitor and share CCC information as it is known.

CCC President Dr. Matt Gotschall.