Fall 2021 Back to College Coronavirus Protocol Guidelines
August 6, 2021
CCC President Dr. Matt Gotschall
Central Community College understands powerful learning experiences can occur through safe interactions between students, faculty, staff and visitors. To that end, the CCC COVID Emergency Response Team has been synthesizing local, state and national guidance to provide opportunities for continued in-person and flexible instructional opportunities while navigating the unpredictability of multiple variants and less than desired vaccination rates. This team will continue to meet weekly to discuss the best course of action when it comes to the risk of COVID-19 while trying to ensure that CCC remains a safe learning environment and our college mission implemented. This document contains information and guidelines as the college returns to in-class instruction for the fall 2021 semester. Changes will be communicated via campus email, WebCentral, CCC social media platforms and the Coronavirus updates and information webpage, which is located on the front page of the CCC website.
These guidelines should be followed by all students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Individual Responsibilities –Everyone who comes to CCC should be respectful of varying opinions and decisions related to the pandemic and individual response measures. Everyone should be committed to ensuring the safety of those around them by utilizing these steps:
Vaccinations – Following recommendations from local, state and federal medical experts, CCC encourages eligible employees and students to get fully vaccinated and will promote vaccination clinics in our communities and on campus when possible.
Self-Monitoring – If you show new symptoms of COVID 19, please stay home. These include:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Individuals may wish to take their temperature prior to coming to a college location or event, particularly if they are experiencing one or more of the symptoms.
Social Distancing – Although some classrooms and events will be scheduled at 100% capacity, when possible, maintain six-foot distance from others.
Masks – Masks that cover the nose and mouth, while optional, are recommended and supported at all CCC campuses and centers. Signs will be posted at entrances reminding employees and visitors.
Practice Good Hygiene
- Cough or sneeze into your arm.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth or face.
- Regularly wash your hands using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
Cleaning and Disinfecting – Enhanced cleaning of high traffic areas. Individuals may be asked to clean items used by the individual including classroom desk, chair, tools or lab equipment.
- Hand sanitizer will be available in all buildings. Individuals are encouraged to have their own personal sanitizer as well.
- Wipe down hard surfaces with disinfectant wipes, use disposable gloves if available.
- Cleaning supplies will be available in classrooms and residential areas.
- Clean any individual workspace, such as computer lab stations, when you are finished.
- Clean any public recreation items or gym equipment when finished using them.
Dining and Water Fountains – Chartwells will implement serving restrictions as required by industry standards and local conditions. Water fountains will remain on at all CCC locations. However, the use of bottle fillers and sinks is encouraged to prevent spread of the virus.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or display any of the symptoms:
- For CCC staff, please inform your supervisor immediately. They will work with Human Resources.
- For CCC students, please inform the associate dean of students on your respective campus/center in addition to your faculty member.
- You may be contacted by college officials and local health department tracers if you have come into contact with a confirmed COVID-19 positive case.
Mental Health – Mental health resources and referrals are available to any CCC student and employee. Employees may reach out to human resources for contact information. Students may call 402-562-1244 or e-mail counseling services at this link. Additional recommendations to manage fear, stress and anxiety include:
- Get facts from reliable sources.
- Validate your feelings and find calmness.
- Connect with others and organizational support.
- Keep physically active.
Travel and Social Behavior – Travel between campuses, centers and attendance at conferences or events are allowable following federal public transportation restrictions that may be in place at that time. Athletic teams will follow NJCAA guidance and protocols.
Protocols may continue to change over the semester due to changes in local, state or national guidance. Changes will be communicated via campus email, WebCentral, CCC social media platforms and the Coronavirus updates and information webpage, which is located on the front page of the CCC website.