Main gate of the Naval Ammunition Depot as it appeared in 1948

Main gate of the Naval Ammunition Depot as it appeared in 1948.

Naval Ammunition Depot Tour and Lunch (CANCELED)

Event has been canceled

October 3, 2020
$15 per person

Option 1:
9-11 a.m. bus tour
12 p.m. lunch

Option 2:
12 p.m. lunch
2-4 p.m. bus tour

9 a.m. - 3 p.m. exhibits open
12 - 1 p.m. Walt Miller, Naval Ammunition Depot historian, will speak
1 p.m. homemade cookies and ice cream will be available

All profits go to the Veterans and Military Resource Center.

Please note: registration cost is nonrefundable. 

This zero waste event is sponsored by CCC's environmental sustainability department. 

3C Initiative Central Community College Green Today... Greener Tomorrow