Virtual Student Activities

Date: March 27–May 8, 2020

Location: Your home

During these times of social distancing and spending a lot of time at home, we still want to encourage our students and communities to participate in various activities virtually and at your own home. 

Stuck at Home Challenge

Print the calendar and award page

Dear CCC Student/Parent,

We trust these suggestions will be helpful in keeping your family (or you) from jumping on the bed, each other, or staring out the window all day, during this unprecedented time of being away from classes for us all.  There is a way to combat the fatigue, though.

Younger ones at home might need some help reading the selections on the sheet, but we tried to pick activities they would be able to do on their own, although a few can/should be enjoyed with another household member. They should all be fairly easy for them (and you) to do safely. We tried to keep most of the activities inside, in case you have to work from home, or the weather goes whacky again. Please build upon this list if you come up with some more activities to move about and keep everyone healthy.  Share this list with others, too.

This could be fun, so feel free to encourage anyone at home who is able to participate in this challenge.  Make it a contest, or even a household Olympics.  We’ve all got to stay involved as best we can!

Looking forward to having you back on campus again soon,

CCC Activities Directors

Make it a competition! Give a prize to the one finishing the most events at your home.


  1. Balloon Volleyball 
    String some yarn between two chairs, then try to keep a balloon in the air as long as you can.
  2. Text Tips
    Send a text to two of your friends and ask them for an exercise to try.  Share one with them, too!
  3. Silly Sweaty
    Move around safely however you wish until you start to get sweaty and your heart is beating fast.
  4. Hula Hoops
    See how long you can keep it going.  Record your times and break the house record! 
  5. Dance Dance
    Turn on your favorite song, or just the radio. Bust a move for the entire song.
  6. Bicycles
    Lie on your back and move your legs like you’re riding a bike to strengthen your stomach muscles
  7. Juggling
    With three tissues, try to see how long you can juggle them without one hitting the floor.
  8. Crazy 8’s
    • 8 jumping jacks
    • 8 shoulder shrugs
    • 8 seconds of running in place
    • 8 cross crawls
    • 8 star jumps
  9. Broom Hockey
    Practice your slap shot in the hallway with a broom and tennis ball or play 1-on-1.  Masking tape goals on floor.
  10. Quarter Says
    Do 25 of each:
    • Jumps
    • Heel Raises
    • Arm Circles
  11. Star Jumps
    Jump up with your arms and legs spread out like a star. Do 10, then rest and   do 10 more!
  12. Balloon Tennis
    Inflate a balloon and tie a long 10’ string to the end.  Attach string to a chair then play tennis over it with flyswatters for racquets.
  13. Bear Walk
    With your bottom in the air, step forward with your right hand and left foot. Then move your left hand and right foot forward.
  14. Boat Pose
    Hold boat pose for 15 seconds.
    Do it three times!
  15. I Spy Walk
    Go for a walk with a family member while you play ‘I spy’.
  16. Target Toss
    Find a pair of socks to make a ball. Throw into an empty box or basket. Back up a step each time you make it in!  How far is your longest “make?”
  17. PE Pretend
  18. Pretend to:
    • sit in a chair for 10 seconds
    • roll a bowling ball at 10 pins
    • ride a horse 10 steps forward
    • shoot 10 basketballs
  19. Jumping Beans
    Be creative and see how many different ways you can jump rope.
  20. TV TimeOut
    During the commercial break take a walk. See how many rooms you can walk through before the show starts again!
  21. Crab Carry
    Walk like a crab, with palms & feet on the floor and stomach toward the ceiling.  Race someone or balance an object on your belly and “walk” across the room.
  22. Wacky Words
    Write down all the active words you can think of. Then, try to act them all out!
  23. Mini-Motor Move
    Do a crossword puzzle. When you finish, jump as high as you can 10 times to celebrate
  24. Balance Pose
    Balance on your right hand and left knee for 30 seconds, then switch sides and do it again
  25. Take a Walk
    Go for a walk. Look for something that starts with each letter of the alphabet while you walk.
  26. Radio Run
    Play your favorite song on the radio and run in place until the song is over
  27. Get Out!
    Take yourself outside and see how many different birds you can find in 15 minutes
  28. Clap and Catch
    Throw a soft object in the air. See how many times you can clap before you catch it
  29. Show Show Off
    Do as many jumping jacks as you can during the commercial of your favorite show.
  30. Music Mover
    Play your favorite music for 10 minutes and try to walk briskly to the music the whole time.
  31. Countdown
    • 10 frog jumps
    • 9 supermans
    • 8 cross crawls
    • 7 arm circles
    • 6 jumping jacks
    • Repeat with 5-1
Museums on Monday: Check out these great places.

Right here in CCC’s backyard, you can take a virtual tour of the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud. District 38 is proud of the work Red Cloud has done to keep her story alive.

Virtual tour of the Stuhr Museum in Grand Island

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC

Multiple museums to choose from

Touring Tuesday: The world is at your fingertips to explore.

Metropolitan Opera House: All “Nightly Met Opera Streams” will begin at 7:30pm EDT and will remain available via the homepage of for 20 hours. The homepage link will open the performance on the Met Opera on Demand streaming service. The performance will also be viewable on all Met Opera on Demand apps.

San Diego Zoo

Wolf Conservation Center

The Great Wall of China

For those that missed the school tours, here is the NE State Capital in Lincoln.

If you’ve already seen the capitol, try some Mayan ruins for Cinco de Mayo

Wacky Wednesday: Need a strange twist to break the boredom?

April 1: Oobleck

April 8: Yoga.

April 15: How to make Rock Candy at Home 

April 22: Earth Day

April 29: Ice Cream in a Bag

Themed Thursday: Send us your selfie with your outfit for each day

Tag us on social media with your selfie!

April 2: Super Hero Day

April 9: Sports Day

April 16: Nerd Day

April 23: Favorite Decade Day

April 30: Pajama Day

May 7: CCC Green Day

Food Friday: Do you have an awesome recipe that you’d love to share?

Tag us on social media!

April 3: Celebrate Chocolate Mousse Day! I don’t know who makes up these days, but here is a yummy looking recipe to try. We’d love to see pictures of your work

April 10: Favorite Meatless or Fish inspired recipes

April 17: Illustrated recipes designed to help kids age 2-12 cook with their grown-ups. Recipes encourage culinary skills, literacy, math, and science.

April 24: What is your favorite way to use leftovers to create a meal?

May 1: let’s have a Fiesta. Post your pictures and your favorite fiesta food recipes.

May 8: What’s your favorite food? Send the recipe to share with the group.