Alumni Weekend

Date: May 13–15, 2021

Location: Hastings

COVID Restrictions 

On-Campus Events

All campus visitors seeking tours or want to be on campus will have to meet CCC’s face covering policies and COVID restrictions.

5K Glow Run will follow the CCC athletics guidance on sporting events and games played on campus. 

The Car Show/Taste of CCC will be the biggest event on campus and is completely outside. Visitors seeking to use the bathroom will be provided multiple portable bathrooms and/or access to the Furnas building if they agree to wear a mask. Cars will be spaced out a minimum of 6 feet (most likely every other parking spot). Sanitizer stations, masks and cleaning supplies will be provided throughout the car show area.

Off-Campus Events

CCC Documentary is an event collaboration with the Hastings Museum and all attendees will abide by the city of Hastings/state of Nebraska COVID-19 protocols.

Golf Outing is an event collaboration with the Elks Country Club Golf Course near campus. All attendees will abide by the city of Hastings/state of Nebraska COVID-19 protocols.

Hastings Evening Social is an event collaboration with multiple businesses in downtown Hastings. All attendees will abide by the city of Hastings/state of Nebraska COVID-19 protocols. CCC does not control where attendees decide to go or the establishments COVID protocols.

Thursday, May 13

Campus Tours

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Hastings Campus 

Tour the different buildings on campus and learn the past, present and future of the Hastings Campus. The campus will offer guided tours or attendees are welcome to browse the campus and learn more about each building. 

Hastings Campus Business After Hours 

5 – 7 p.m. 

Hastings Museum 

The CCC Foundation and Hastings Campus will host a business after hours with the Hastings Chamber of Commerce at the Hastings Museum. 

Evening and Night Premiere CCC Documentary 

Showtimes 6 and 8 p.m. 

Hastings Museum 

The Hastings Museum will host the official red carpet screening of the CCC documentary. Purchase your ticket and be the first to view this amazing project. Tickets are available for purchase at the Hastings Campus President’s office and the Hastings Museum. 

Friday, May 14

Campus Tours 

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Hastings Campus 

Tour the different buildings on campus and learn the past, present and future of the Hastings Campus. The campus will offer guided tours or attendees are welcome to browse the campus and learn more about each building. 

CCC Alumni Golf Outing 

12 – 5 p.m. 

Elks Country Club Golf Course 

The CCC staff, faculty and alumni golf tournament will be held at the Elks Country Club Golf Course near the Hastings Campus. Sign up a team or play as a single at this wonderful course. 

Alumni 5K Glow Run 

7 p.m. 

Hastings Campus • Polk Parking Lot 

The Hastings Campus will host a glow run the evening of Friday, May 14. The run is a fun, exciting opportunity for former Rams and the community to participate in an athletic event on campus. Cost for the run is $15 per participant and includes a free t-shirt and glow stick. 

Glow Run Details and Sign Up

Hastings Evening Social

8 – 11 p.m. 

Downtown Hastings 

CCC alumni are invited to visit local businesses in downtown Hastings. Businesses hanging the CCC Alumni Weekend poster will be offering discounts and a friendly atmosphere to all attendees. Alumni can congregate about the new changes in downtown Hastings and share CCC experiences with family and friends.

Saturday, May 15

Hastings Campus Car Show

12 – 5 p.m. 

Hastings Campus
Furnas Parking Lot 

The car show will feature cars from all decades from the Hastings community and surrounding areas. This event will include awards, free t-shirt and food for all participants! 

Car Show Details and Registration

Taste of CCC

12 – 4 p.m. 

Hastings Campus
Furnas Parking Lot 

There will be vendors and food trucks from the tri-city area participating in the Taste of CCC. Attendees can try samples and purchase some of the best food in Nebraska. 


Red Carpet Premiere
Hastings Museum
CCC Alumni Golf Outing
Mark Funkey
[email protected]
CCC Alumni Weekend Glow Run
Jenny Scott
[email protected]
CCC Hastings Campus Car Show
Carly Walker
[email protected]