National Library Week
Date: April 4–10, 2021
Location: Grand Island Campus
It is a time to celebrate our nation’s libraries and library workers and promote library use and support. The theme for National Library Week is “Welcome to Your Library.”
“Libraries show us anything is possible by encouraging a love of learning, discovery and exploration.” – Natalie Portman, National Library Week Honorary Chair.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 is National Library Workers Day. It’s a good day to highlight the valuable contributions made by all library workers.
Stop by the Grand Island Campus library on Tuesday for a snack and connect with your library during National Library Week to see all we have to offer.
Activities this week
Scavenger Hunt (Virtual and in person) Prizes available!
The joy of Hygge (Fill your own gift bag)
Six-Word Stories (Write your own story and display in the library)
Poet Tree (All month)
Button Machine (All week)