Asynchronous Communication
Asynchronous communication does not require all parties involved in the communication event to be present at the same time (e-mail, discussion forums, blogs or text-messages via cell phones).
Individualized Instruction
This modality includes labs, clinicals, and practicums.
CCC’s video system, broadcast to campus or high school sites, is called the IP system. Learning Center Packets
Students at a distance may choose among 17 different courses in which all materials are available in written form.
Learning Management System (LMS)
A LMS uses software or web-based application to deliver, track, and manage learning content, learner interactions, and learner progress. CCC uses “Moodle” for this purpose.
Learning Management System – Navigation
The "Navigation” block will give you a comprehensive listing of all courses that you have access. This will include master courses, current term and upcoming term (when loaded). The courses available to you block can be accessed once you enter any course from WebCentral, My Courses.
Learning Management System – Master
A master course is manually created and utilized to maintain the content of a course. Master course titles begin with the letters “MC”. The master content is imported into the current term sections according to the Course Management Deadlines. Students do not have access to your master.
Learning Support Services (LSS)
The technician(s) assigned to work with faculty to develop WIDS and prepare courses for the Learning Management System. LSS provides training and support to include the best practices in online learning and the strategic use of LMS tools for student engagement and assessment.
Learning Management System – Term specific section, Moodle course shells
Moodle term specific course shells are created automatically by Colleague system for all sections offered each term. The Moodle term course shell titles begin with the term information (16/SP). The Moodle course shells are populated with the instructor and students entered in Colleague. Courses that are cancelled will be removed from the Moodle server and the My Courses list. Backups of Moodle term course shells are maintained until the end of the following term to be used in the event of a grade appeal.
Synchronous Communication
Communication modes in which all parties involved are present at the same time (telephone conversations, face-to-face conversation, two-way video conference, or chat room events).
Worldwide Instructional Design System (WIDS)
Curriculum Development Software adopted by CCC.
Student Ready
All information that is required and/or applicable from the Course Readiness Checklist has been verified by the instructor and is operational insuring the course is ready for the student.
World Wide Instructional Design (WIDS)
Learning Management SYstem (LMS)
Course Management Deadlines (Dept.Breakdown)
Make college-wide assignments for Web-packet sections. Determine campus section offerings:
Fall: Jan 25 to Feb 1 - Spring: Aug 27 to Sep 15 - Summer: Sep 20 to Oct 5;
Input schedule into colleague. Give XCSS schedule to Learning Support Services:
Fall: Feb 15 to Mar 5 - Spring: Sep 30 to Oct 15 - Summer: Oct 20 to Nov 5;
Print XCSS Report for Deans, Associate Deans and Faculty to Proof:
Fall: Mar 5 to Mar 15 - Spring: Oct 15 to Oct 30 - Summer: Nov 21 to Dec 6;
Review and make changes to schedule from XCSS report:
Fall: Feb 1 to Feb 15 - Spring: Sep 15 to Sep 30 - Summer: Oct 5 to Oct 20;
New-Updated Faculty Learning Management System Agreement returned to LSS:
Fall: Mar 5 - Spring: Oct 15 - Summer: Mar 5;
Courses Complete and Student Ready Verification Form submitted:
If a course has a lead faculty who updates course content for multiple sections and instructors, the course must be student ready seven days prior to the deadline listed.
Non W Sections
Fall: 7 days prior to FALL term - Spring: 7 days prior to SPRING term - Summer: 7 days prior to SUMMER term;
W Sections (If deadline cannot be met, communicate proposed completion date to LSS by last contract day of associated term.)
Fall: Jun 30 - Spring: Day before last contract day of FALL term - Summer: 7 days prior to SUMMER term;
Student Grades:
Grades due two business days after end of the courses;
Term Access Ends:
5:00 PM the Friday after grades are posted;
Courses taught only this term imported into a master course for safe keeping:
(i.e. Courses only taught in FALL, not the SPRING)
Fall: Imported into master one week after the end of semester;
Spring: Imported into master one week after the end of semester;
Summer: Imported into master one week after the end of semester;
All new-updated content, grade book creation-updates due to LSS:
Fall: Apr 1 - Spring: Oct 15 - Summer: Mar 5;
Access to work on term shell:
Fall: Monday prior to end of SPRING Term;
Spring: Monday prior to end of FALL Term;
Summer: Monday Prior to end of SUMMER Term;
All new-updated content, grade book creation-updates due to LSS:
Fall: Not needed by LSS - Spring: Not needed by LSS - Summer: Not needed by LSS;
Access to work on term shell:
Fall: Mar 16 - Spring: Nov 1 -Summer: Dec 7;
All section information in Colleague to Term shells will be created:
Fall: Mar 15 - Spring: Oct 30 - Summer: Dec 6,
Orientation course student push:
Fall: Aug 1 - Spring: Dec 20 - Summer: May 1,
Term Access & Orientation Course Access:
Five days prior to beginning of term;
Term Access and Review Ends:
Term Access Ends: 11:59 PM on the last day of term;
Review Ends: 5:00 PM the Friday after grades are posted;
Search for classes available in WebCentral:
Fall: Mar 15 - Spring: Oct 30 - Summer: Dec 6
Official Printable Course Management Deadlines
*DIY – Do-It-Yourself
*NDIY – Non Do-It-Yourself
The Academic Calendar can be found on the Events Calander page of the CCC Website
Last Udated: 04/19/2018
CCC Approved Grade Scale
Last Updated: 10/2018
All CCC courses are required to use the college approved learning management system (LMS), currently Moodle. Why does CCC use a Template for the LMS?A course template is used to ensure consistency and student's ease of navigation through courses, college wide. Please note the Quality Matters Standards (in parenthesis) that are met by using the CCC LMS Moodle Template Guidelines.
- Collapsed Topic Course Format – Required
- Black text should be used when adding labels and descriptions within resources, colors alone should not be relied on to convey meaning, according to ADA Guidelines/Standards.
- Top of Course/Communication Information Topic - (Topic Settings) (QM 8.1)
Only the specific items shown below should be in this section, please do not use this area for any other labels, resources or materials. Students should be able find the following information in the same location & format in all CCC courses. With the new Collapsed Topic format, this area shows on the single topic view at all times.
A phone number is required; this should be your CCC office phone if you have one, for adjuncts this can be a CCC Administrative Assistant office phone number. The college strongly encourages the use of Quickmail, so that when you or your students send email from Quickmail the course & section number is tagged in the subject line. With that in mind, please do not remove this line of text from the top of your course.
Course Title
- ALPHA Number Title of Course (no punctuation or abbreviation)
ex. PSYC 1810 Introduction to Psychology - Instructor Contact Info (use default font)
- Instructor Name
- xxx-xxx-xxxx
- Email via Quickmail
- Instructor-Paced Course, Student-Paced, Grade book Only, Instructor- Paced Blended, or Student-Paced Blended
- WIDS Course Syllabus (can be here for those who are only using Moodle for the gradebook, document sharing, etc.)
- Course Announcements Forum (students also receive notice of post via CCC e-mail); (DO NOT DELETE or hide)
- Chat (optional) if deleted students lose options for chat
- Attendance Resource (optional) remove if not used
Start Here Topic (formerly “To Begin Course Overview…”) – Start Here Topic title is required to be the first topic in all web courses and can be used for all courses as we move forward with the QM initiative. QM General Standard 1: The overall design of the course is made clear to the learner at the beginning of the courseand should include the following:
- WIDS Course Syllabus (QM 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6)
- Use URL link from the submitted syllabus in the WIDS software
- Set display to open in a new window or pop-up
- Welcome Letter (QM 1.2, 1.8) (required for web courses) – recommend using Pages Resource for easy editing
- Course Introduction Forum (QM 1.2, 1.8, 1.9) Faculty can ask students to introduce themselves to the class
- Course Schedule/Due Dates (QM 1.1, 1.2)
- Communication Expectations (QM1.2)
- Documents & other resources students may need throughout the course
- Website Links/Textbook supplemental information or websites
- Images - Use pictures/images sparingly and follow ADA compliance regulations.
Remaining Topics – can be named by subject, chapter, learning plan or by week (Recommend not using default topic name)
- Use the topic edit button to name topics (uncheck the use default section name to enable editing)
- Web courses should be designed to navigate from top to bottom as the students’ progress through the semester.
- Please use professional web design etiquette.
- Documents – use recommended file format/best practices.
- Images - Use pictures/images sparingly, & according to QM standards, follow ADA compliance regulations
Blocks (All blocks should be left on the leftm in this order)
- Administration Bookmarks
- Main Menu
- Quickmail
- Grade Me/Grades
- Navigation/My Courses
- Textbooks: McGraw Hill; Pearson (optional)
- Calendar/Upcoming events
- Administration
- Activities
- Sharing Cart
- Respondus Lockdown Browser
- ILP Integration
- Course Completion (optional)
- Online Text Assignments (use default font)
- Student download files (Students may need to download Office 365; this is a free download for students)
- Turnitin Assignment – if your assignment requires the students check for plagiarism, the assignment should be set up using the Turnitin Assignment Resource in Moodle.
Contact your LSS Staff for assistance with uploading question banks
- Textbook test banks & other electronic resources (work with LSS to help determine the best format to use)
- LSS uses Respondus software to upload customized tests questions. Faculty can type up their own questions & send them to LSS electronically to upload into Moodle (see Respondus Format Handout)
Grade Book All faculty members (full- and part-time) will post grades online using Moodle Grade Book. (Ed Services Approved: 10-2011)
- LSS can assist with making sure calculations are correct & working the way they should be
- All Graded Items should be reflected in the Grade Book set up
- Aggregation Method should be the Natural Aggregation
- Grading Rationale needs to match the WIDS Syllabus & be reflected correctly in the Grade Book (QM 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)
- Letter Scales in Moodle need to be set to match the letter scale in the WIDS Syllabus
- Custom Scales are correct if applicable
- Grading Rubric are set up if applicable
Last Updated: 01/19/2018
Learning Support Services (LSS) staff provide faculty support, training & technical assistance for all assigned courses in Central Community College’s (CCC) learning management system (LMS) each semester.
All Faculty are responsible for updating & maintaining courses according to the Approved LMS Moodle Template and Course Readiness Guide each semester. This includes updating the syllabus link in the (LMS) Moodle course to the current WIDS generated course syllabus and agree to meet all Course Management Deadlines. All faculty are responsible for requesting master course copies as needed for courses that only run once a year, not offered every semester, have new textbook updates & etc. LSS will create a back-up of course content if a course is canceled for any reason.
Full-time faculty have the option of becoming a DIY’er after their first year of teaching at CCC, have completed the LMS (Moodle) training offered at CCC, and with associate dean approval. Longtime adjunct faculty may be considered to become a DIY’er on an individual basis, per LSS & associate dean recommendation and the completion of the LMS (Moodle) training.
Non-Do-It-Yourself (NDIY) Faculty - Your campus LSS staff will assist faculty in building, maintaining and importing your content into the Moodle shells each semester. Your campus LSS staff will provide support with all Moodle resources such as forums, glossaries, assignments, quizzes as well as offering advice and technical support.
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Faculty - DIY faculty take responsibility for building, maintaining, and updating courses each semester and are responsible for importing course content into the upcoming semester shell. Your campus LSS staff will provide assistance as needed in the (LMS) Moodle, uploading quizzes as well as offering advice and technical support.
Course Management
If you are a faculty that chooses to Do-It-Yourself (DIY), and wish to import your own course content, please return this agreement to your LSS staff on your campus. All other faculty are considered to be NDIY, and do not need to return this form. You only need to submit the form one time, or if you are changing from a NDIY to a DIY. Return agreement to [email protected] for the Spring Term by October 15, Summer Term by March 5, Fall Term by May 10.
Last Updated: 12/11/2017
Approved Ed Services: 03/29/2018
This is the process that brings the gradebook and all into an empty course, with nothing in the gradebook.
- If using a glossary or Q&A forum please contact LSS before importing
- If a mistake is made contact LSS immediately
Go to the Administration Block and Choose Import.
Step 1: Course Selection: In the Find a course to import data from: Choose or Search forthe course content should come from. Please note: If the course you need to import from does not show listed, you can search for any course you taught that is still on our server (we keep one year) by typing in the alpha & number in the search box. You will need a dash to separate the alpha & number when using this search. Example: HUSR-1200. If you are importing from a master, you will not need the dash. Then select the radial button of the course you want to import from, click Search. Click Continue.
Step 2: Initial Settings: Please note the check marked selections. You can deselect any of the options desired. (Notice you could deselect question bank if you are going to be using a new question bank.)
We are recommending to deselect Include groups and groupings (unless you are specifically using groups). If you are using the PLD data, select the Include PLD data & Include PLD log data.
Click the Jump to final step OR Next button.
Please note: The Jump to final step can be used to save clicks when you need the entire course imported, as a short cut. When using this button, skip to Step 5 otherwise proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Schema settings: This stepallows you to customize your import. Note every item in your course has a selection option. In this step you can select All or None at the top to select or deselect everything at once. Or you can scroll through the list and select or deselect individual items. For each topic there is an option to deselect an entire topic, while keeping other topics selected. In order to select individual items within a topic, the top topic button will first need to be selected. The screenshots below show examples of some of the different options.
Deselect an entire topic:
Select only specific items within a topic items within a topic
When finished making your desired selections, scroll to the bottom & click Next.
Step 4: Confirmation and review: This step allows you to visually review your selections. The green check mark represents items selected. The red X represents the items not selected.
At this point you can go back to the previous step by selecting the Previous button at the bottom & correcting your selections.
After reviewing your selections, scroll to the bottom, locate the Perform Import button, and click to begin the import process.
Step 5: Perform Import: Wait for the import to complete before clicking anything.
Step 6: Complete: Click the Continue button
With Editing turned on, delete extra topics as needed using the Edit on the right of each topic, choose Delete Topic. Currently this is the only way to turn off topics.
Add topics as needed, using the Add sections [topics] on the bottom right hand corner of the topics, select the Number of sections [topics] you would like to add, then click the Add sections [topics] button on the popup.
Proceed to Course Readiness Reference Guide for each of your courses.
Last Updated: 10/2017