Grand Island Campus, Holdrege Center and Lexington Center Santa for Central

Providing support for children of CCC students

“Santa for Central” is the project of our campus clubs this year. It is an effort to provide support for students who are having difficulty affording Christmas gifts for their children. Our hope is to generate a list of requests for assistance from CCC-Grand Island, Lexington and Holdrege students. For each child, they should include age, gender, a gift suggestion or list of favorites that can then be matched with the donor’s price range.

All submissions will be sent to Kazia Marquez and will remain confidential. We will create an ornament tree with gift requests that students and staff can select from and then purchase by a set deadline. Ornaments will include the age, gender and gift ideas information. 

Gifts will be ready for pick up or delivery before the end of the semester on December 15. Students will be notified if their gifts are ready prior to this date.

Requests will be accepted from November 6 to December 1.

The deadline to submit a form is December 1 at noon.

Staff and students may purchase gifts up until December 8.

Please contact Kazia Marquez at 308-398-7417 or [email protected] with any questions.

Grand Island Campus, Holdrege Center and Lexington Center Santa for Central Gift Request

Child's gender