Math Advising Guide: AAS Path

MATH 0930-Practical Math
Students taking 0930 should feel confident doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with counting numbers, and have some familiarity with positive and negative numbers. Students in 0930 will learn to calculate basic operations with signed numbers, including fractions, decimals, and integers. They will also learn to solve application problems using proportions; find perimeter, area, and volume; and use percents. Students will simplify algebraic expressions and solve first-degree equations.
MATH 1020-Technical Math

Students in a Math AAS Path can choose between Math 1020, Math 1050, or Math 1060.

Students taking 1020 should feel confident doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with whole numbers, and have some familiarity with operations involving fractions, decimals, and positive and negative numbers.

Students in 1020 will learn to calculate with signed numbers, manipulate algebraic expressions, solve basic equations, work with ratios, proportions, measurement systems and tools, geometry and trigonometry, and describe data with statistical measures and graphs. Students will apply these concepts to technical applications.


MATH 1050-Occupational Math

Students in a Math AAS Path can choose between Math 1020, Math 1050, or Math 1060.

Students taking 1050 should feel confident doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. The ability to read and reason through an application is beneficial.

Students in 1050 will learn to solve numerical and algebraic problems with signed numbers, parentheses, and exponents. They will also learn to solve vocational and financial application problems, including those with proportions, percents, algebraic formulas, various measurement systems, and geometric relationships. Students will describe data with measures of center and graphical representations.

MATH 1060-Business Mathematics

Students in a Math AAS Path can choose between Math 1020, Math 1050, or Math 1060.

Students taking 1060 should feel confident performing calculations with decimals, percents, and fractions, manipulating basic algebra expressions, and solving basic equations.

Students in 1060 will learn to use a variety of mathematical techniques to study business concepts and applications. Students will calculate payroll earnings and deductions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, trade discounts, dating methods, markup, markdown, simple interest, and inventory.