The best way to provide income is by using the Link to IRS option available when completing your FAFSA. A tax transcript is not required if you are able to Link to IRS and transfer your information. If you and your spouse or parents filed separate returns from each other, the Link to IRS will not be available to you.

There is no charge for a tax return transcript. 

Quickest Options

Link to IRS
  1. Login to FAFSA
  2. Select Make Correction
  3. Forward to the financial section(s) and use “Link to IRS”
  4. Enter your address exactly as how it shows on your tax form. 
  5. Once complete “Submit” application
Get Transcript in Real Time

To complete this option you must have:

  • Access to a valid email address
  • A text-enabled cell phone in user’s name (sorry - no pay-as-you-go phones) 
  • Specific financial account information such as a credit card number, mortgage, or car loan


  1. Go to IRS Get Transcript
  2. “Get Transcript Online”
  3. Create an account if you do not already have one.
  4. Request “IRS Tax Return Transcript” for 2017 - not an Account Transcript.
  5. Enter your address exactly as how it shows on your tax form.
  6. Print or download your transcript.

Options That Will Take 5 - 10 Business Days

Request Transcript by IRS Form 4506
  1. Go to form 4506-T
  2. Complete lines 1-4. Enter address on line 3 as listed on your tax form. If you have submitted an address change with the US Postal Service, IRS may have your updated address on file
  3. Check Box 6A
  4. Enter 12/31/17 on Line 9
  5. Check the signatory attest statement. Sign and date.
  6. Mail or fax the completed form to the address of number listed.
Request Transcript by Phone
  1. Call 1-800-908-9946
  2. Prompts will include tax filer’s Social Security number and numbers in street address
  3. Select “Option 2” to request an IRS Tax Return Transcript for 2017
Request Transcript Online
  1. Go to IRS Get Transcript
  2. “Get transcript by Mail”
  3. Enter tax filer’s Social Security number, date of birth, and address listed on tax form.
  4. Request “IRS Tax Return Transcript” for 2017 - not an Account Transcript