Are your employees trained on how to respond to a hazardous material spill or release? This session will meet Oct. 8-10 and is designed to satisfy the 29 CFR 1910.120 requirements for employees engaged in emergency response, containment, control and clean up of hazardous materials released during an incident at your facility. This course is required for industry that has the potential of accidental release of hazardous chemicals.
Topics of discussion will include:
- Regulation Overview
- 29CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication Standard
- 29CFR 1919.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
- 29CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection
- Recognition and Identification of Hazardous Material
- Toxicology
- Protective Clothing (PPE)
- Incident Management and Control
- Work Zones
- Decontamination
The cost includes course materials and lunch. The registration deadline is Oct. 1; however, class size is limited so early registration is recommended to reserve a space.